If Light Were A Woman

If Light Were A Woman
If light were a woman,
Her voice would fill the silence with words of colour and truth,
Quietly drowning out all others with sweet tones, both young and old.

If light were a woman,
Her warm fingers would gently caress the softness of your skin,
Her touch lingering even as the clouds passed a shadow between you.

If light were a woman,
She would dance slowly, filling your eyes with her sensual rhythms,
Displaying all her talents and beauty to your mind.

If light were a woman,
She would be generous with her wisdom, which would encompass all things,
Showing you a world of truths and then leaving you to discover your own.

If light were a woman,
Her love would be mighty, surrounding and sustaining the object of her adoration,
Blessing them with the many gifts of her bounty.

If light were a woman,
When darkness tried to step within her realm, her molten jealously would flow wildly,
A hairsbreadth chink in nocturnal defenses would become her herald.

If light were a woman,
Her impossibly roused anger would consume the world with blinding awe,
In the complete destruction of her own creation.

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